SCADA & Communications Upgrade Phase III
Cedar River Water & Sewer District
Autocon controllers installed across all facilities.
Phase I: Legacy Rockwell controllers installed.
Phase II: Legacy Rockwell controllers installed.
CSNW begins Phase III
New Rockwell controllers
SCADA, HMI, alarming, historian
Upgraded communications platform
Phase III complete.
Total Investment
Phase III was the first significant upgrade to any system in 10–15 years.
Emphasis on upgrading the legacy Autocon systems from the 1980s.
SCADA communications were a collection of two dedicated bridged phone systems which had become obsolete.
One communicating to the 1980’s era Autocon facility controllers that made up 80% of the facilities.
The other connecting five obsolete Rockwell controllers.
Two very different HMI systems (OnSpec and Wonderware) increased the complexity and learning curve for operators.
COVID restrictions significantly reduced the availability of direct contact.
Complete replacement of all the existing communications systems.
Transitioned to a government-level private cellular communications system.
Increased priority of the facilities and reduced the cost over the previous, obsolete system.
New CompactLogix PLCs in all Phase III facilities to support a long lifespan.
Upgraded SCADA system to Systems Platform 2017.
HMI development across all systems, SQL historian, and Win911 for alarming.
Backup hardware-based alarm notification system.
Total upgrade of SCADA and HMI systems:
Including servers, OT networking, and cybersecurity-conscious solutions.
Communications platform upgraded to current-generation technology with a higher priority level and reduced costs across facilities.
The entire project was completed without any direct contact with District staff due to COVID restrictions.